Photo Jul 13, 20 06 50 (2).jpg

Through Terror is a work created in residence with Hôsek Contemporary, in Berlin, Summer 2020.

I became very inspired to make this work after a personal trauma I experienced at the end of December in 2019. I was attacked and brutally bitten on the mouth by a full grown male Rottweiler. The bottom right corner of my mouth was completely ripped and hanging off. The top part of my lip had deep lacerations that ripped all the way through. A very intense ride to the hospital 1 hour away, 9 hours waiting to go into surgery, and 175 stitches later, my mouth was sown back on.

The piece depicts the emotional rollercoaster this experience set me out on, the different people in my life who stepped up to comfort and be there for me, and the new self and lessons it brought me. The ropes represent obstacles that hinder you in life. Things that stand in the way of reaching goals. Things that keep you from your truth and being your fullest self. Learning how to move through these things anyway, eventually breaking them down, and thriving within your own reality.

Dancers: Gianna Rose DiGirolamo, Andrea Olivia, Alvin Collantes/Sebastian Abarbanell and Shannon Walsh
Music: Vveber, Mknzi, Shannon FT: Robin Brink, Robert Holz, Leonard Lehmann and Maximilian Seifert